Thursday, April 17, 2014

Python Project

  • For the Python programming project, I wanted to trigger my webcam with my temperature sensor when it reached above a certain degree. Unfortunately, I struggled enough to even get the sensor functioning (due to hardware issues) that I moved on to plan B. My final project was actually pretty simple. It was a program that gave the output of the temperature from the sensor and then provided the ability to convert the output to Celsius or Fahrenheit. This will be entered into my final project code as well, but hopefully with a functioning webcam. Fingers crossed! 
  • Although I hate programming in general and have very little experience, I think that Python was an easier language to program in than others I have used, such as C#. Python is easy to read because of the uncluttered visual layout and I thought it flowed relatively smoothly based on the necessary organizational structure. I think the biggest opportunity for using Python would be to educate programming beginners due to the fact that the obviousness in syntax makes the language more understandable than some other languages. 
  • Given more time to develop my Python skills, I would like to explore what other capabilities of my specific project I can get to work and how. I found Python to be much less frustrating than I find other languages, so I am excited to move forward in developing more aspects of the BurntPi! Overall, programming is just not my thing. It never has been and never will be, but thanks to Python, I got through the project without pulling all of my hair out. ☺

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